Sponsor A New Conversation

To get started with a conversation, call us at 888.930.9272 x802 or fill out this form:

Get Insights from Timothy Geigner
and the Insight Community now.

Contact Information

First Name: *Required
Last Name: *Required
Email: *Required
Reenter Email: *Required
Job Title:

Background Information (Optional)

Although not required, the following background information will help Floor64 analysts to speed the development of your conversation and offer options that fit your needs when they contact you to follow-up.

Conversation Description:
Be descriptive and include general questions and topics that you would like to explore in your conversation.
Delivery Deadline:
Content Usage: (check all that apply)

Corporate blogging


Custom micro-site

Conversational marketing

Building market relationships

Product development feedback

Trend exploration

Market research

Corporate intelligence

Business strategy

Business model exploration

Department originating request:



Business Strategy

Corporate Intelligence

Product Development

Additional Information:
Tell us how you heard about us and provide any additional information you’d like us to have about your conversation.

How It Works

Floor64 manages all aspects of your case, moving you through the process from creation to close in a simple, streamlined process.

1. Sponsor a Conversation

Sponsors work with Floor64 analysts to create conversations that pose challenging and relevant questions to the community. To drive the quality of the insights, bonuses are set for each conversation.

2. Community Engaged

The conversation is launched and Insight Community members are notified via RSS feed, email and their own personal dashboard.

3. Conversation Started

Members begin to add their unique perspectives and expertise to the conversation by contributing insights using the built-in tools. They also deepen the discussion by adding comments that clarify, challenge and respond to other insights.

4. Useful Content Delivered

The content generated by the Insight Community is then delivered to the sponsors for use in both internal and external marketing and analytical tasks. Current sponsors are using their content to create:
· Micro-sites
· Whitepapers
· Corporate blog content
· And more

5. Goals Achieved

· Awareness Increased
· Web Traffic Increased
· Leads Generated
· Thought Leadership Established

Contact us as there are many options available for customizing your conversation. Let us walk you through them today!