About This Case


9 Dec 2007, 3:59PM PT

Bonus Detail

  • Top 3 Qualifying Insights Earn $100 Bonus


3 Dec 2007, 11:47AM PT


  • Advertising / Marketing / Sales
  • Consumer Services / Retail Industry
  • Enterprise Software & Services
  • Hardware
  • Internet / Online Services / Consumer Software
  • Materials / Chemicals / Nanotechnology
  • Start-Ups / Small Businesses / Franchises
  • Telecom / Broadband / Wireless

What Will 2008 Bring For The Cell Phone Industry?


Closed: 9 Dec 2007, 3:59PM PT

Earn up to $100 for Insights on this case.

LetsTalk's PhoneTalk blog wants to add new voices to its website, and they're posting regular Cases here for the Techdirt Insight Community to add interesting new content to their site. The winning submissions for each Challenge Case will be posted (perhaps with some editing) on the PhoneTalk blog -- with credits to the author. The following is LetsTalk's next assignment:

There's been a lot of announcements in the past few months that could potentially change the cell phone industry (ie Android, Verizon announcement) What do you think will be the biggest changes next year in the cell phone industry for consumers? Will it be more cell phone choices? Will consumers demand more control over their cell phone options? Will it really make any difference at all - if not, why? Do you think we'll see a difference in how plans and phones are marketed to consumers? Also, address what you would hope these announcements will mean for consumers when they're shopping for phone/plan in the future?

Note: The top insights for this issue will be selected as they are submitted. So there is no exact deadline for submissions, but the earlier you submit, the earlier LetsTalk can review your work. For example, it's possible that LetsTalk may select the first three entries. However, no submissions will be accepted after the expiration date.

7 Insights


This case has closed, so Insights are no longer being accepted.